Pourvoirie Mitchinamecus

Bear hunting at the outfitter

Hunting with a near 100% success rate

As the moose livestock is high, its predators are also present and everything is done to balance the population of both moose and black bears. To this end, several sites are set up for bear hunting in June each year. These sites are maintained daily and the success rate approaches one hundred percent annually.

Fishing and bear hunting combos

Bear hunting packages as well as fishing and bear hunting combos offer numerous opportunities to fish for speckled trout, walleye and pike during the day and to hunt black bear at the end of the day, at time that the latter prefers to feed. Imagine shooting the bear of your dreams after a day of fishing and the unique experience of fishing for both walleye and speckled trout in the same pool, all along the famous Mitchinamecus River.

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